Aria di Giulia (dall'opera Morte di Danton) (1974)
Instrumentation: flute, harp, guitar, soprano
Year init.: 1974
Literary sources: after Georg Büchner, Dantons Tod (see attachment)
Premiere: Trieste Prima 1987, Stelia Doz soprano, Giorgio Blasco flauto, Ennio Guerrato chitarra, Patrizia Tassini arpa
SIAE: 871610703
Cinque Lieder per soprano e pianoforte (1997)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Year init.: 1997
Literary sources: Friedrich Hölderlin, Georg Trakl
Due canti per Jan Palach per soprano e pianoforte (1969)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Duration: 4'
Year init.: 1969
Literary sources: Poems of Zuzana Boryslawsa and Vitezlav Gardavsky (see attachment)
Recordings: RAI, rete III, 1974
Rita Lantieri Marega soprano, Livia D'Andrea Romanelli piano
Premiere: RAI, rete III, 1974
Rita Lantieri Marega soprano, Livia D'Andrea Romanelli piano
SIAE: 781013881-00
Gong (2007)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Year init.: 2007
Literary sources: Rainer Maria Rilke, Die Sonette an Orpheus
42. Gong (see attachment)
Publisher: digital score
SIAE: 113160297
Hölderlin Lieder per soprano e pianoforte (2005)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Duration: 6'
Year init.: 2005
Literary sources: Friedrich Hölderlin, Poesie (see attachment)
Ich ewiges Kind per soprano e fisarmonica o pianoforte ( Io eterno fanciullo, Me the eternal child) (2008)
Instrumentation: soprano and accordeon or piano
Duration: 8'
Year init.: 2008
Literary sources: Egon Schiele, Ich ewiges Kind (see attachment)
Dedication: a Carlo de Incontrera
Premiere: Karina Oganjan soprano, Corrado Rojac fisarmonica, Monfalcone 2008
SIAE: 113000395-00
Il canto per soprano e violoncello (1985)
Instrumentation: cello and soprano
Duration: 8'
Year init.: 1985
Literary sources: Ennio Emili, Il canto (see attachment)
Publisher: Edizioni Curci Milano 1988
Recordings: SWR 24/11/2011
Edition number: E. 10727 C.
Premiere: Trieste Prima 2011 (29.11.2011), Manuela Kriscak soprano, Friedrich Gauwerky cello
SIAE: 843380583-00
Kosovel Lieder (2003)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Duration: 2’
Year init.: 2003
Literary sources: Srečko Kosovel, Poesie (see attachment)
Publisher: Edizioni Pizzicato Helvetia 2006
Edition number: PVH 1287
Premiere: Manuel Kriscak soprano; Aleksander Rojc piano
SIAE: 113000397
La stanza di Gretchen per soprano e pianoforte (1983)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Duration: 6'
Year init.: 1983
Literary sources: Joh. Wolfgang Goethe, Faust (see attachment)
Recordings: CD Demoni e fantasmi notturni della città di Perla (Francesca Romana Franzil soprano) -Audio Ars Studio1999
Premiere: Mittelfest 1999 Cividale (18.7.1999)
Manuela Kriscak soprano; Corrado Gulin pianoforte
SIAE: 911350197-00
Melancholia per soprano e pianoforte (2002)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Duration: 11'
Year init.: 2002
Literary sources: I - Chapman, Hymnus in Noctem; II- W. Shakespeare, Hamlet; III - W. Blake, The little Boy Lost; IV - A. Gryphius, Die Herrlichkeit der Erden, V - Franz Grillparzer
Iconographic sources: Albrecht Dürer, Melancholia (see attachment)
Dedication: a Monika, affettuosamente
Omage: a Albrecht Dürer
Annotations: *1) G. Chapman (No pen can anything eternal).
*2) W. Shakespeare (The spirit that I have seen).
3) W. Blake, Father where are you going ( da: Little boy lost).
4) A. Gryphius (Die Herrlichkeit der Erden muss Rauch und Aschen werden...).
in alternativa: H. von Hofmannsthal (da Terzinen "Wir sind aus solchem Zeug...").
5) F. Grillparzer (Was ist der Erde Glück, was ist der Erde Ruhm, ein Traum). and J. Ch. Guenther (Der Feierabend ist gemacht, die Arbeit schläft) (only sketch).
Premiere: Trieste Prima 2011, 24 11.11., Manuela Kriscak soprano, Louise Sibourd piano (only the first two).
SIAE: 033050025-00
Sette aforismi per soprano (o tenore) e pianoforte (2005)
Instrumentation: soprano (or tenor) and piano
Duration: 4'
Year init.: 2005
Year final: 2006
Literary sources: di J. Gracen Brown:
- After the Storm
- Perfect Song
- The Moonlight
- The Wind
- I Dance Alone
- In the Forest
- Reflection in the Canal
(see attachment)
Publisher: digital score
SIAE: 113000394-00
Terzinen (2003)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Year init.: 2003
Literary sources: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Terzinen (see attachment)
Annotations: can replace n. IV in Melancholy
Trakl Lieder I per soprano e pianoforte (dall'opera "Demoni e fantasmi notturni della città di Perla") (1997)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Duration: 12'
Year init.: 1997
Literary sources: Georg Trakl from: In ein altes Stammbuch; In den Nachmittag geflüstert; Die schöne Stadt; Der Spaziergang; Romanze zur Nacht; Unterwegs; Die Ratten; Dämmerung (see attachment)
Annotations: 1) Immer wieder kehrst Du Melancholie.*
2) Stille wohnt in blauen Räumen.
3) Wieder kehrt die Nacht.
4) Zitternd flattern Glocken Klänge.
5) Im Korn sich ernste Vogelscheuchen drehn.
…die tote Rahel.
6) Ein altes Wiegenlied.
7) Der Knab aus Träumen wirr erwacht.
8) Formlose Spottgestalten huschen.
* from Trakl Lieder II (but compares in Demoni e fantasmi notturni together with Trakl Lieder I)
Recordings: CD Giampaolo Coral, Demoni e fantasmi notturni della città di Perla (Francesca Romana Franzil soprano) -Audio Ars Studio 1999
Premiere: Mittelfest 1999 Cividale (18.7.1999), Manuela Kriscak soprano, Corrado Gulin piano
SIAE: 973320495-00
Trakl Lieder II per soprano e pianoforte (1997)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Year init.: 1997
Literary sources: Georg Trakl, poems
Recordings: Immer wieder Melancholie…CD Demoni e fantasmi notturni della città di Perla (Francesca Romana Franzil soprano) -Audio Ars Studio1999
Premiere: Mittelfest 1999 Cividale (18.7.1999), Manuela Kriscak soprano, Corrado Gulin piano (Immer wieder … Melancholie)
Trakl Lieder III per soprano solo (1997)
Instrumentation: soprano
Duration: 7'
Year init.: 1997
Literary sources: Georg Trakl, Rondel, Die Raben, Verfall (see attachment)
Iconographic sources: some designs of Alfred Kubin in the middle of the songs: after "Die Raben" design "Die Mondsüchtige". After "Verfall" called also "Verlassenes Haus" (Abbandoned house) the omonimous design of Alfred Kubin and "The lost son" (see attachment).
Dedication: a Francesca Romana Franzil (Rondel)
Annotations: Designs of Alfred Kubin: at the end of "Die Raben" (The crow) design "Die Mondsüchtige" (Moonsick). At the end of "Verfall" (Decline) called also "Verlassenes Haus" (Abbandoned house) the omonimous design of Alfred Kubin and "Der verlorene Sohn" (The lost son) (see attachment).
Trakl Lieder IV (1997)
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Year init.: 1997
Year final: 1999
Literary sources: Georg Trakl, Poems (see attachment)
Annotations: part of "Cinque Lieder" for soprano e piano, together with "Hölderlin Lieder".
Premiere: 33 Festival Int. Musica Antica e Contemporanea -Antidogma Musica 2010 - Sciolze, Il giardino delle rose, Trakl Lieder: Nachtergebung e Amen, Linda Campanella soprano, Marinella Tarenghi pianoforte (25.5.2010)