Amras per violino e orchestra (1992)
Meditazione su un racconto di Thomas Bernhard Meditation on a short story written by Thomas Bernhard
Musical form: orchestra (big) with violin soloist
Instrumentation: 3 flutes/piccolo, 2 oboes/english horn, 2 clarinet Bb/bass clarinet, 2 bassoon/contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets C, 3 trombones (F), tuba, harp, piano, celesta, percussions (drums, vibes, xylophone, tam tam, triangle, side drum), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses); violin soloist
Duration: 15'-16'
Year init.: 1992
Year final: 1993
Literary sources: Thomas Bernhard, Amras
Annotations: I Award "XVIII Premio Internacional de Musica Oscar Esplà" 1993
Premiere: Orquesta Sinfonica de Madrid, Ricardo Odriozola violin, Cristobal Halffter conductor
SIAE: 940680702-00
Cantata per soprano e orchestra (see La Canzone di Euridice) ()
frammenti sacri
Musical form: orchestra (big) with soprano
Instrumentation: 3 flutes/piccolo, 3 oboes/english horn, 3 clarinet Bb/ bass clarinet, 3 bassoon/contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets (C), 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, piano, celesta, percussions (xylophone, vibes, Glockenspiel, tub.bells, 2 tam tam (big and small), suspended cymbals, 5 tom tom, marakas, 4 T-blocks, side drum, bass drum, triangle), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses); soprano
Literary sources: text from Magnificat (roman rite)* (see attachment)
Annotations: with text of Magnificat.
Cinque pezzi per pianoforte e orchestra (1997)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes/piccolo, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, trumpet, trombone, percussions (tub. Bells, tam tam with iron, side drum, basque drum, triangel, harp, drums, bass drum), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses), piano soloist
Duration: 15' ca.
Year init.: 1997
Iconographic sources: after 5 designs by Alfred Kubin
Annotations: also: Cinque disegni di A. Kubin per pianoforte e orchestra (Five designs by A. Kubin for piano and orchestre)
Concerto per orchestra (1969)

Instrumentation: flute/piccolo, oboe, english horn, clarinet Bb, bass clarinet, bassoon, contra bassoon, 4 horns in F, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, piano, celesta, percussions (xylophone, vibes, Glockenspiel, tub. Bells, 3 tam tam (big and small), 2 suspended cymbals (big), 3 tom tom, 3 bongos, 3 T-blocks, W-block, side drum, bass drum, snare drum, rolling drum, strings
Duration: 14'
Year init.: 1969
Dämonen und Nachtgesichte von Alfred Kubin für Orchester (1997)
Kubin Zyklus (acht Bilder von Alfred Kubin)
Musical form: orchestra (big)
Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 1 piccolo, 2 oboes, 1 english horn, 2 clarinets Bb, 1 bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 1 contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets, 3 tombones, tuba, drums, percussions (tam tam, Glockenspiel, bass drum, suspended cymbal, xylophone, vibes), celesta, piano, harp, strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double basses).
Year init.: 1997
Iconographic sources: 8 designs of Alfred Kubin:
- Halluzination
- Der Wanderer
- Kronos
- Scheideweg
- Wahnsinn
- Das Hünengrab
- Dämmerung
- Böser Traum (see attachments)
Dissolvenze su 2 simboli (sketch) (Sound feding on two symbols) (sketch) (1966)
Instrumentation: soprano I,II,III o choir
violins I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII; violas I,II; cellos I,II; double bass I,II; piano I,II; tom tom, vibes, suspended cymbals (big and small), tam tam (big and small), drums
Year init.: 1966
Dolce, calmo e sorridente (1982)

Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, 2 horns (F), trumpet C, 6 violins I, 5 violin II, 4 violas, 2 cellos, 1 double basses (26 instruments)
Duration: 10'
Year init.: 1982
Year final: 1983
Dedication: a Francesco Valdambrini con amicizia e stima
Omage: in memoria di Richard Wagner nel centenario della morte (to the memory of Richard Wagner in centenary of his death)
Annotations: * II version- more strings:
8 violins I, 7-8 violins II, 5 violas, 4 cellos, 2 double basses (34 instruments),
all strings with mute
Publisher: Rugginenti Editore Milano 1995
Edition number: RE 50725
Premiere: Orchestra Teatro Verdi, Trieste, Severino Zannerini conductor (1983)
SIAE: 830630345-00
Elegia per Mario e Doriano per orchestra (1979)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes/piccolo, 2 oboes/english horn, 2 clarinet Bb/bass clarinet, bassoon/contra bassoon, 2/4 horns (F), 3 trumpets C, 3 trombones (F), harp, piano, percussions (drums, celesta, vibes, tam tam (big), bass drum), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses).
Year init.: 1979
Omage: in memoria di Mario Bugamelli e Doriano Saracino
Isole II per archi (2010)

Instrumentation: Violins I,II, violas, cellos, double bass
Duration: 10'-11'
Year init.: 2010
Dedication: Al Maestro Massimo Belli e all'orchestra Busoni con stima
Premiere: Orchestra Ferruccio Busoni, Massimo Belli conductor, Museo Revoltella Trieste (5.12.2010)
SIAE: 113000392-00
La canzone di Euridice (see Cantata) (1970)
Studio-divagazione sul mito di Orfeo
Musical form: orchestra (big) with soprano
Instrumentation: 3 flutes/piccolo, 3 oboes/1 english horn, 3 clarinet /1 bass clarinet, 3 bassoons/1 contrabb., 4 horns/1 F, 3 trumpets /1 C, 3 trombone, tuba, kettledrum, harp, piano, drums (xylophone, vibes, celesta, tub. Bells, Glockenspiel, suspended cymbal, 2 tam tam (big and small), bass drum, 4 T-blocks, Marakas, 5 tom tom, side drum, triangel), strings (violins I and II, violas, cellos, double bass)
1 soprano
Duration: 17'-18'
Year init.: 1970
Year final: 1971
Annotations: french text. Most part is identical with Cantata for soprano and orchestra, distinguished by a christian liturgical text taken out of Magnificat, but the score is very different from the Magnificat. Various pages are different: compare pages 6 and 7 from Cantata with pages 6 and 7 from La canzone di Euridice (see attachment)
La Metamorfosi di Narciso per 2 pianoforti e orchestra (1992)

Instrumentation: 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, celesta, Glockenspiel, vibes, tam tam, triangle, strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses), 2 piano soloists
(score in C)
Duration: 13'
Year init.: 1992
Magnificat per soprano e orchestra (1971)

Instrumentation: flute/ piccolo, oboe, english horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contra basson, 4 horn in F, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, percussions (bass drum, suspended cymbals (3 big, middle, small), 3 tam tam (big), side drum, basque drum, marakas, W-block, T-block, vibes, xylophone, marimba, Glockenspiel), celesta, harp, piano, strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double basses)
Duration: 12' ca.
Year init.: 1971
Literary sources: after Magnificat, text (see attachment)
Annotations: 2. Award "Premio Musicale Città di Trieste" 1971
Publisher: Suvini Zerboni Milano 1972
Edition number: S Z 46831
Premiere: Orchestra Teatro Verdi Trieste
Maurizio Arena conductor
Liliana Poli soprano (22.10.1971)
SIAE: 722006486-00
Magnificat per soprano e orchestra (sketch) (1968)
Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, percussione (tam tam, bass drum, drums, xylophone, T-blocks), harp, celesta, strings (violins I, II, III, violas, cellos, double basses)
Year init.: 1968
Metamorfosi per piano e orchestra (1978)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes/piccolo, 2 oboes/english horn, 2 clarinet Bb/bass clarinet, 2 bassoon/contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets C, 3 trombones (F), tuba, harp, percussions (drums, Glockenspiel, celesta, tam tam (big and small), T-block, W-block, suspended cymbal, bass drum, side drum, whip), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses); piano soloist.
Duration: 11'
Year init.: 1978
Momenti differenziati per orchestra (Diversified moments for orchestra) (1983)

Instrumentation: flute/piccolo, oboe, english horn, 4 clarinets (Eb, Bb, bass clarinet Bb, contra bass clarinet Bb), 1 bassoon, 1 contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 5 sax (sopranino F, soprano C, alto F, tenor Bb, bass Bb), 4 trumpets (C, 2 Bb, F), 3 trombones (Bb), contra bass trombone (Bb), saxhorn (F), 2 cornets (Bb, A), 5 althorns (soprano Bb, alto F, tenor Bb, bass Bb, contra bass C), percussions (drums, Glockenspiel, snare drum, bass drum, tam tam (big), side drum, triangle, tub. Bells.
Duration: 9.30'
Year init.: 1983
Annotations: I Award of the International Competition of "Composizione originale per banda di Corciano" 1983 (president of the jury Goffredo Petrassi)
possible alternatives for the organic:
english horn - sax alto or clarinet alto
contra bassoon - sarrusophone
sax sopranino - clarinet soprano (Ab or Eb)
trumpet C - sax soprano (Bb)
cornets (Bb and A) - trumpets (Bb)
sax soprano C - sax soprano (Bb)
sax alto (F) - sax alto (Eb)
Suggestion for the the percussions:
1 - drums
2- bass drum
3 - mil. Drum
4 - snare drum
5 - Glockenspiel
Publisher: Tito Belati, Perugia 1984
Premiere: Agosto Corcianese, Andrea Franceschinelli conductor, Corciano 1984
SIAE: 853340829-00
Musica per una poesia di Wolfdietrich Schnurre (Music for a poetry of Wolfdietrich Schnurre) (1970)

Instrumentation: rec. fem. voice
violins I,II; violas, cellos, contra basses, percussions (vibes, tam tam (big and small), triangle, side drum, W-block, T-block, suspended cymbal, 3 bongos)
Year init.: 1970
Literary sources: Wolfdietrich Schnurre, Poesie (see attachment)
SIAE: 823450599
Nergal Ereshkigal (1978)

Instrumentation: violins I, II, violas, cellos, double bass, flute (soloist)
Duration: 8'-9'
Year init.: 1978
Year rev.: 2002
Literary sources: Fabio Doplicher (broadcast transmission)
Annotations: version for broadcast transmission with flute, tape, percussions (?), voices, recitation:
flute: Giorgio Blasco;
voices: Giuseppe Botta, Michele Sardo, Marta Valetic,
Elisa Kadigia Bove, Maria Loredan;
actors: Gianpiero Blason (Ninagal), Liana Darbi (Ninildu), Diego Reggente (Uruk), Elis Kadigia Bove (Apsu), Carlo Montagna (Esagil), Dario Penne (Nergal), Dario Mazzoli (Ea), Mario Sestan (Anu), Franco Zucca (Nunamnir), Claudio Luttini (Enlil), Lidia Koslovich (Kutushar), Carmen Segon (Ishtar), Ugo Vicic (Tanmuz), Marina Malfatti (Ereshkigal), Tonino Pavan (Namtar), Ezio Biondi (Ishum), Ariella Reggio (cronista)and others: Franco Bertan, Orazio Bobbio, Lidia Braico Ravasini, Luciano Travaglino;
director: Giorgio Pressburger;
conductor: Giampaolo Coral
Recordings: broadcast transmission RAI I 14.4.1978 (version for tape, flute, voice and recitation on a text by Fabio Doplicher)
Premiere: RAI I 14.4.1978 (broadcast transmission)
SIAE: 781013882-00
Quattro disegni di Alfred Kubin per pianoforte e orchestra (1997)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets Bb, 2 bassoons, 2 horns F, trumpet C, trombone, harp, drums, percussions (tam tam, basque drum, triangel, bass drum, side drum, tub. Bells), strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double basses)
Year init.: 1997
Iconographic sources: 4 designs by Alfred Kubin:
- Damokles
- Jede Nacht besucht uns ein Traum (Every night a dream visits us)
- Versinken (to bog down)
- Kronos
(see also attachment)
Annotations: it exists also an arrangement for two pianos
Requiem per Jan Palach e altri per orchestra (Requiem for Jan Palach and others for orchestra) (1969)

Instrumentation: flutes/piccolo, oboes, english horn, clarinet Bb, bass clarinet, bassoon, 2 horns in F, 2 trumpets, drums, strings (violin I and II, violas, cellos)
Duration: 16'
Year init.: 1969
Annotations: segnalazione Concorso di composizione sinfonica "Premio Sesto S. Giovanni Milano" (oct. 1969)
Publisher: Suvini Zerboni Milano 1970
Premiere: Städtisches Orchester Gelsenkirchen (7.12.1970)
SIAE: 712007308-00
Requiem per orchestra (1993)
opera dedicata alle vittime della guerra nell'ex-Yugoslavia (work dedicated to the victims of the war in former Yougoslavia
Musical form: orchestra (big) - Passacaglia
Instrumentation: flute/piccolo, oboe/english horn, clarinet Bb/ bass clarinet, bassoon/contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets C, 3 trombones, tuba, percussions (drums, Glockenspiel, vibes, tam tam, suspended cymbal, tub. Bells), harp, celesta, piano, strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double basses).
Duration: 11'
Year init.: 1993
Premiere: Orchestra sinfonica RTV-Ljubljana, 1993
Anton Nanut conductor
SIAE: 940680703-00
Sechs Stücke für Orchester (1976)

Instrumentation: flute, piccolo, oboe, english horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, contra basson, 2 horn in F, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, xylophone, vibes, Glockenspiel, celesta, harp, piano, strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double basses)
Duration: 18'-19'
Year init.: 1976
Literary sources: from Albert Giraud, Pierrot lunaire, in the famous German translation of Otto Erich Hartleben (see attachment)
Premiere: Orchestra Teatro Verdi Trieste, Gianfranco Masini conductor (Abazia, Yugoslavia, 8.10.1976; Trieste 10.10.1976)
SIAE: 760012613-00
Sinfonia per orchestra (1975)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes/piccolo, 2 oboes/english horn, 2 clarinet Bb/bass clarinet, 2 bassoons/contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, Glockenspiel, piano, celesta, vibes, xylophone, tam tam, W-block, T-block, tub.bells, suspended cymbal, side drum, triangle), strings.
Duration: 15-16'
Year init.: 1975
Suite per orchestra (1969)
dal "Passio"
Musical form: orchestra
Instrumentation: 2 flute/piccolo, 2 oboe, english horn, 2 clarinet Bb, bass clarinet, 2 bassoon, contra bassoon, 4 horns in F, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, piano, celesta, percussions (xylophone, vibes, Glockenspiel, tub.bells, 2 tam tam, 2 suspended cymbals (big), 3 tom tom, 3 bongos, whip, side drum, bass drum, rolling drum), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses).
Duration: 16'
Year init.: 1969
Year rev.: 1975
Annotations: I° "Prix de Composition Musicale Prince Pierre de Monaco" 1975
Publisher: Sonzogno (without date)
Premiere: Orchestre National de l'Opéra de Monte Carlo, Gustav Kuhn director (26.11.1978)
SIAE: 782012906-00
Suite per orchestra (1969)
dal "Passio"Musical form: orchestra
Instrumentation: 2 flute/piccolo, 2 oboe, english horn, 2 clarinet Bb, bass clarinet, 2 bassoon, contra bassoon, 4 horns in F, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, piano, celesta, percussions (xylophone, vibes, Glockenspiel, tub.bells, 2 tam tam, 2 suspended cymbals (big), 3 tom tom, 3 bongos, whip, side drum, bass drum, rolling drum), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses).
Duration: 16'
Year init.: 1969
Year rev.: 1975
Annotations: I° "Prix de Composition Musicale Prince Pierre de Monaco" 1975
Publisher: Sonzogno (without date)
Premiere: Orchestre National de l'Opéra de Monte Carlo, Gustav Kuhn director (26.11.1978)
SIAE: 782012906-00
Tema e variazioni per pianoforte e orchestra (1973)

Instrumentation: flute/piccolo, oboe, english horn, clarinet Bb, bass clarinet, bassoon, contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets (C), 3 trombones, tuba, drums, piano, percussions (T-block, W-block,side drum, suspended cymbal, triangle, bass drum, tam tam (big and small), strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double bass); piano soloist.
Duration: 18'-19'
Year init.: 1973
Tout à coup et comme par jeu for flute and orchestra (1983)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes/1 piccolo, 2 oboes, 1 english horn, 2 clarinet Bb, 1 bass clarinet, 2 bassoon, 1 contra bassoon, 4 horns (F), 3 trumpets C, 3 trombones, tuba, drums, harp, xylophone, celesta, bells (big and small), piano, percussions (side drum, snare drum, tam tam (big), triangle, cymbals, 4 T-blocks, strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses), flute soloist
Duration: 14'
Year init.: 1983
Literary sources: Stéphane Mallarmé (see attachment)
Iconographic sources: text (see attachment)
Dedication: a Felix Resch
Annotations: I Award of the XXIIIrd "Premio Musicale Città di Trieste" 1983
Publisher: Sonzogno Milano (without date)
Recordings: CD Chromas-Falaut (Ass. flautisti italiani) 2011
Premiere: Orchestra Teatro Verdi, Trieste (18.5.1984)
Max Epstein conductor, Roberto Fabbriciani flute,
SIAE: 841750307-00
Varianti per pianoforte e orchestra da camera (1975)

Instrumentation: 2 flutes/piccolo, 2 oboes/english horn, 2 clarinets Bb/bass clarinet, bassoon, 2 horns (F), 2 trumpets C, harp, percussions (drums, Glockenspiel, celesta, vibes, xylophone, tam tam, T-block, suspended cymbal, side drum), strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses); piano soloist.
Duration: 13'-14'
Year init.: 1975
Year final: 1976
Annotations: the author calls the work "Varianti" per pianoforte e orchestra da camera. This must have been a I version (lost?). The only existing score has a big orchestra.
Variazioni per orchestra (1971)

Instrumentation: flute/piccolo, oboe, english horn, clarinet Bb, bass clarinet, bassoon, contra bassoon, 2 horns (F), 2 trumpets C, drums, harp, xylophone, celesta, Glockenspiel, percussions (T-block, W-block, tam tam (big), side drum), strings (violins I, II, violas, cellos, double bass).
Duration: 11' ca.
Year init.: 1971
World Trade Center Requiem per orchestra (2001)

Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoons, contra bassoon, horns (I,II,III,IV), trumpets (I,II,III), trombones (I,II,III), tuba, percussions (drums, tom tom, xylophone, vibes,Glockenspiel, bass drum, suspended cymbal), harp, piano, celesta, strings (violins I,II, violas, cellos, double basses).
Duration: 20'
Year init.: 2001
Publisher: digitale score (will be edited by Rugginenti in 2012)
Premiere: Orchestra Teatro Verdi Trieste, Adriano Martinolli d'Arcy conductor (20.11.2004)
SIAE: 043110160-00