La canción desesperadaa (1970)
Musical form: musical theatre - chamber opera (radiophonic work)
Instrumentation: piano, flute, clarinet, violin, organ, tamtam, W-block,T-block, side drum, basque drum, triangle, suspended cymbals, celesta, Glockenspiel, xylophone, vibes, tub.bells, rec. (fem.voice), 2 soprano, fem. Choir
Duration: 27'
Year init.: 1970
Year final: 1972
Literary sources: texts: Pablo Neruda, Wolfdietrich Schnurre, Helmut Heissenbüttel, Christine Levŕnt, Ennio Emili
the first group of percussions with one performer, the second with 2 performers
Premiere: RAI Rete III Nazionale 26.11. 1973, Gruppo strumentale, Giampaolo Coral conductor, Stelia Doz, Eugenia Lozzi soprani, stage director Giorgio Pressburger
SIAE: 731006162-00