Cassandra (unfinished) (2007)

Musical form: ensemble with choir and voice
Movement/Structure: 1 act, parts I-III (part III to the end partially unfinished )
Instrumentation: Part I
flute, oboe, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, piano, cello, double bass, percussions (suspended cymbal (small and big), xylophone, vibes, marimba, drums, tamtam (small) bass drum (small and big), conga, side drum, rolling drum, 3 tom tom, T-block, choir,
recording tape (sea 15'-20') and rec. Voice (Cassandra)
Part II - for percussions, horn and rec. Voice
1) Marimba, tam tam (big), suspended cymbal (big), 2 tom tom (a/b), triangel, mil. Drum, bass drum (big ), thunder plate.
2)xylophone, tam tam (middle), suspended cymbal (middle), triangel, mil. Drum, thunder drum.
3) vibes, 3T-block, 3 tom tom, rolling drum.
4) Marimba, triangel, mil.drum, suspended cymbal (small), bass drum (small).
5) Drums, 3 W-block (a/m/b), gong thai (F ?), conga, tam tam (small).
part III
flute, oboe, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, piano, celesta, (harp*), violins I and II, violas, cellos, contra bass, percussions (drums, suspended cymbal (small and big), 2 xylophone, vibes, marimba, drums, tamtam (small) bass drum (small and big), conga, gong thai (F ?), mil. Drum, rolling drum, 3 tom tom, T-block, iron percussion), strings
chorus (6 fem. Voices), rec. Coice (Cassandra), soprano (spirit of Cassandra), recording tape (sea - at the end)
*not written
Duration: part I -20'-22'; part II - 10'; part III - 22'
Year init.: 2007
Year final: 2010
Literary sources: after Euripides, The Troyan Women and Christa Wolf, Kassandra
Premiere: II part: Conservatorio di Trieste, sala concerti, 6.5.2008
Fabian Perez Tedesco and his percussion groups (without voice)
SIAE: 113000401-00