Seconda Sonata per pianoforte (1979)
Musical form: chamber music - solo instrument (piano)
Movement/Structure: I,II,III
Instrumentation: piano
Duration: 20'
Year init.: 1979
Dedication: a Rainer Keuschnig
Annotations: I Award "XX Concorso nazionale di Composizione Pianistica "Gianfrancesco Malipiero" Treviso 1979"
Publisher: Edizioni Curci Milano
Recordings: Video - Syracuse University, New York (C. Gulin piano)
CD Giampaolo Coral, Louise Sibourd piano, Rugginenti Milano 2005
Edition number: E. 10341 C.
Notes: The 4 movements are inspired by 4 works of Paul Klee:
I - Monument im Fruchtland 1929, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern.
II - Paul Klee, senza titolo 1939, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern.
III - Paul Klee, Schwankendes Gleichgewicht (op. 159, 1922), Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern.
IV - Paul Klee, Mosaikstudie (1925, n. 80), Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern 1925.
Premiere: RAI III Naz., 1984, Corrado Gulin pianoforte
SIAE: 801780316-00