Memorabilia (2001)

Tre pezzi per voce di soprano e ensemble (Three pieces for soprano and ensemble)
Musical form: chamber music - ensemble
Movement/Structure: 1) sic in infinitum per 4 esecutori (see next). 2) Ablutio vel mundificatio mundi per ensemble (see next). 3) Tria unum per soprano e ensemble (see next).
Instrumentation: see the single pieces
Duration: 28'
Year init.: 2001
Year final: 2002
Omage: a Emanuel Swedenborg (entire work)
Premiere: The entire work: Chromas Ensemble, Adriano Martinolli D'Arcy conductor, Manuela Kriscak soprano, Trieste Prima 2002 (22.11.2002)
SIAE: 033050026-00/nuovo: 113000396